

  The Griffith Asia Institute produces innovative, interdisciplinary research on key developments in the politics, economics, societies and cultures of Asia and the South Pacific.

  By promoting knowledge of Australia's changing region and its importance to our future, the Griffith Asia Institute seeks to inform and foster academic scholarship, public awareness and considered and responsive policy making.

  The Institute’s work builds on a 25 year Griffith University tradition of providing cutting-edge research on issues of contemporary significance in the region.

  Griffith was the first University in the country to offer Asian Studies to undergraduate students and remains a pioneer in this field. This strong history means that today’s Institute can draw on the expertise of some 50 Asia-Pacific focused academics from many disciplines across the university.

  Our Strategic Vision is to promote greater interest in and awareness of Australia’s changing region and its importance to Australia among the public, universities, policy makers and the media.


